Emily White serves as our consultant on economic and community development matters and our grant writer. She is the former Deputy Secretary for Business Financing with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). She served in this position from 1995 through 2004, retiring from Commonwealth employment to join Duane Morris LLP as a partner from 2004-05 and then serving as a consultant and director to Duane Morris Government Affairs LLC from 2005-2008. Ms. White established her own law practice in July 2008.
At DCED, Ms. White was responsible for the administration of all business financing programs and played a leading role in the conception, implementation, and administration of new business financial assistance programs under Governors Casey, Ridge, Schweiker, and Rendell.
Prior to assuming responsibility for the administration of the business financing programs, Ms. White served as Director of the Office of Small Business in the former Pennsylvania Department of Commerce from 1991 until 1995. In that capacity, she was responsible for directing the entrepreneurial development programs of Pennsylvania, including oversight of the Small Business Development Center program and staff responsibility for Governor Casey’s Small Business Advisory Council. Her office was home to the first Women’s Business Advocate appointed by the Commonwealth and the first Small Business Ombudsman for environmental issues.
From 1986 through 1991, Ms. White served as legal counsel in the Pennsylvania Department of Commerce, Office of Chief Counsel, rising to the position of Deputy Chief Counsel. From 1979 through 1986, she served on the staff of the legal office to the Pennsylvania House Republican Caucus.
Ms. White has extensive relationships with public and private economic development organizations and with other entities engaged in economic development. As DCED Deputy Secretary, she was an integral part of many Commonwealth economic development projects, including several business attraction and retention efforts. She worked closely with the Governor’s Action Team in assessing financial proposals offered to companies intending to locate or expand in Pennsylvania.
Ms. White also took a lead role in many of the economic development strategies and policy studies undertaken by DCED. She had the lead responsibility for directing a two-phase strategic study assessing the feasibility of implementing a more efficient delivery system for Pennsylvania’s multitudinous economic development programs.
Ms. White has been the course planner and lead presenter for several Pennsylvania Bar Institute programs and sessions on economic development incentives.
Ms. White is a 1976 summa cum laude graduate of Susquehanna University, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and a 1979 graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law. She is an active member of the Pennsylvania Bar.
To contact Ms. White, you may reach by cell phone at (717) 877-0181 or via email ewhite@ksagroupllc.com